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KMID : 1059520090530060742
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
2009 Volume.53 No. 6 p.742 ~ p.748
Discrimination of Hanwoo from Holstein and Mixed Beef by DHPLC
Ahn Young-Chang

Jang Won-Choeul
Nam Youn-Hyoung
Cho Min-Ho
Park Su-Min
Seo Jae-Won
Yoon Il-Kyu
Jung Duck-Hyun
Lee Eun-Young
In the meat industry, correct breed information in food labeling is required to assure meat quality. Genetic markers provide corroborating evidence to identify breed. We described the development of DNA markers to discriminate between Korean beef cattle (Hanwoo), Holstein, and mixed cow beefs. As most breeds are standardized for coat colour, the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene, involved in the regulation of eu/pheomelanins synthesis, has been suggested as marker for breed traceability of products of animal origin. We also designed sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene specific primers for Y chromosome detection. In this study, fragments of MC1R gene and SRY gene were amplified by multiplex-PCR and subjected to digestion by MspA1I restriction endonuclease. Reaction products were analysised by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC). As a result, we identified 6 DHPLC peak types from MC1R gene and SRY gene analysis. DHPLC method showed more sensitive than RFLP method for DNA fragments analysis. Therefore, DHPLC method can apply to identify for Hanwoo, Holstein and mixed beef.
Multiplex-PCR, DHPLC, Korea beef cattle, MC1R
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